Friday 13 March 2009


Behold, I have created a step-by-step guide to hitting a slice serve in Tennis for the latest brief, given that I know absolutely sod all about Tennis, I'm quite happy with what I've produced so far. Take an eyeful, a bit of feedback would be nice.

Also, earlier this week I created a quick website for the project in Dreamweaver, I hadn't used Dreamweaver for around 10 months before this, so getting back to grips with it proved difficult, imagine Stevie Wonder playing with a Rubiks cube, that kind of vibe. Anyway yeah, here's the result [This was my initial, I'm going to re-design it to fit in with the theme of the print campaign.]

1 comment:

  1. lovely Laing I suspect you are best pleased, well facilitated, put up yer sansa booklet as ref.-eree.
